Monday, August 28, 2017


Achieving peerless, paper perfection and avoiding fussy, flimsy failure.

So you’re on the hunt for the perfect wedding invitation. That piece of paper perfection that encapsulates the style of your wedding, represents your unique and inimitable taste, that speaks directly to your guests and gently whispers ‘this is going to be the most amazing wedding ever’.

Ok so you’re not asking for much, but then again it is your wedding and this is the first element your guests will see, so let’s make it a statement of intention.

I’m just going to get this out there from the start. When it comes to wedding stationery I’m not a fan of ribbons and bows and I really don’t like diamantĂ© brooches. So if bling’s your thing look away now.
So, where to start. Well googling ‘wedding invitations’ and clicking away could lead you to some very dark places indeed. Top of the results features a sprinkling of ‘stack ‘em high, print them cheap’ behemoths. If you’re looking for a supplier who offers a more personal service a different approach might be the way to wedding invitation wondrousness.

So here are our top six tips for finding your perfect wedding invitation…


Use Google Image Search

Wedding invitations and their design is a very visual thing so using a google image search quickly allows you to scroll through tons of designs from a whole range of suppliers. As you scroll down you can click through to any that catch your eye.

Refine Your Search

When you have more of an idea of the style you like or if you already have a set notion of the style of your wedding you can refine your search. If you are having a vintage wedding it makes sense to search for vintage wedding invitations. If you’re going more classic and elegant add these to wedding invitations in your search and… well you get the idea.

Use Pinterest

As you come across designs that you like add them to your designated Wedding Invitation Pinterest board. When you’ve pinned away to your hearts content you can review your choices. Seeing different designs along side each other can be really helpful in narrowing things down. 

Attend Wedding Fairs (be selective!)

Wedding fairs vary tremendously in the types of suppliers they attract. The biggest shows will attract some of the more ‘keen to sell’ suppliers.

If you know that you are looking for something a little alternative and suited to your discerning sense of style, then smaller more curated shows like The Wedding Collective Bridal Market or A Most Curious Wedding Fair might just be your supplier nirvana. 

Fairs will also give you the chance to get up close an personal with the invitations and really feel the quality. You’ll also get a chance to meet the supplier and get an idea of who they are and what they do.

Order Ample Samples

Most suppliers provide a way of sampling their wares. If you are going to get a true picture of what to expect sampling is essential. It’s difficult to really appreciate the lustre of a hot foil stamped wedding invitation or the deep impression in luxe card of a letter press wedding invitation until you have one in your hands.

Be aware though that asking a stationer to produce a physical sample of your invitation prior to placing an order is a little like asking to eat a restaurant’s dish and then deciding whether you will stay and pay the bill.

 Go Bespoke

If after endless hours of googling and pinning and oohing and aaahing you have yet to stumble upon ‘the one’ fear not. Many stationers offer a fully bespoke design service. 

Generally you’ll speak directly to or sit down with the designer and discuss your ideas and vision for that ideal invitation. The designer can then prepare some options for you and you can both work together until you’ve reached the heights of haute couture paper perfection.

Having a your own unique bespoke design created may cost a little more, but it should ensure that you have indeed found your perfect wedding invitation.

Wishing you the very best of luck on your quest for that special piece of print that encapsulates all  you could wish for.




from Com Bossa, Luxury Wedding Stationery - Com Bossa Blog

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